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75 Years of Service: Steuben Rural Electrical Cooperative

Steuben Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. is an electric distribution cooperative located in western New York serving members located in Steuben, Schuyler, Cattaraugus and Chautauqua Counties. The cooperative serves approximately 6,300 homes, farms and businesses over 1,100 miles of line.

The cooperative was formed on July 18, 1941 under the Transportation Corporations Law, as SteubencElectric Association. On May 14, 1942 the association filed Articles of Conversion, converting thecassociation to an electric distribution cooperative under the Rural Electric Cooperative Law of New York, thereby changing the name to what we are known as today, Steuben Rural Electric Cooperative. The first line was energized in 1944.

Steuben Rural Electric Cooperative and Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Electric Cooperative merged in 1970, resulting in Steuben becoming the largest of the four cooperatives in New York State, both in service territory and number of members. Steuben Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. is comprised of a nine-member Board of Directors. The main office is located in Bath, New York and there is a satellite office in Cherry Creek, New York. There are a total of 28 of employees between the two offices. The cooperative has seven substations located throughout its service territory, five in the Bath district and two in the Cherry Creek district.


Renewables & Energy Efficiency

LED Security Lights
Steuben Rural Electric Cooperative is currently in the process of converting to LED security lights system-wide. These security lights use approximately 25% of the energy compared to high pressure sodium lights, which are currently installed on the Cooperative’ system. Steuben has approximately 1,600 security lights system-wide. The annual energy savings is anticipated to be just over 1,000 MWH. 

Time of Use Rates
The Cooperative has implemented time of use rates for electro thermal storage (ETS) heating systems. The Cooperative offers a line of single room and whole house ETS systems. The rate structure and heating units take advantage of low off-peak electric rates to charge the units when demand is low. The ETS units convert this off-peak energy into heat and store it in heating elements contained within high-density ceramic bricks. With the ETS system’s ability to store vast amounts of heat for long periods of time, you can get on-peak performance for an off-peak price.

Load Management
Steuben Rural Electric Cooperative has successfully deployed a load management program for residential hot water heaters in nearly 1,200 homes in its service territory. This program has allowed the Cooperative to shed load during peak hours for several years.

Member Owned Distributed Generation
Steuben Rural Electric Cooperative currently offers rates and bi-directional metering that accommodates member owned distributed generation projects, while staying connected to the Cooperative’s distribution system. These rates are available for wind and solar projects with a maximum capacity of 15kW or less.

Bath Office
9 Wilson Ave
Bath, NY 14810
Phone: 607-776-4161

Cherry Creek Office
5966 South Rd
Cherry Creek, NY 14723
Phone: 716-296-5651
