NYAPP members have been actively working to accommodate New York State’s clean energy goals by implementing energy efficiency measures, demand response and making use of additional renewable energy resources while retaining our traditional structure as municipal and cooperative electric utilities. We will be continuing our efforts to develop appropriate cost-justified programs that meet the State’s enhanced clean energy goals by working with New York State agencies and the New York Power Authority to develop and implement additional innovative projects and initiatives. These projects and initiatives will continue to provide cost-effective benefits to our consumers through improvements in system efficiency and by supporting greater development of clean generation and energy efficiency technologies.


NYAPP shares the State’s objective to address climate change in a meaningful way that will provide a durable and lasting change. We believe that the Climate Action Plan should employ a science-based, economy-wide approach to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality while considering current New York State needs including necessary improvements and additions to the State’s transmission system, the development of substantial additional renewable energy facilities, and significant technology advances in areas like energy storage.


As the New York State Climate Action Council develops the detailed Climate Action Plan, NYAPP urges consideration of the following:

  • Any climate action plan adopted by New York State should create stable and predictable policies.

  • Any climate action plan adopted by New York State must protect and maintain the reliability of our electric system and preserve a diverse mix of electricity generation in the State.

  • Any climate action plan adopted by New York State should avoid harm to first movers and recognize actions previously taken to support greenhouse gas neutrality.

  • Any climate action plan adopted by New York State must consider the financial impact on consumers and the potential impacts on New York State industries and jobs.


Climate Action Advisory Panels

NYAPP urges the inclusion of public power utility representatives in the membership of the Climate Action Advisory Panels to assist the Climate Action Council in the development of the comprehensive climate action roadmap. As not-for-profit electric utilities, we have hands-on knowledge of working with our customers to implement beneficial programs and initiatives and a history of advancing solutions that meet our goals and objectives and work for our consumers.