
The Village of Greenport is located on the east end of the North Fork of Long Island, about 100 miles east of Manhattan, and about nine miles west of Orient Point, which is the eastern most point on the north fork of Long Island (LI). Greenport Municipal Utilities (GMU) is a municipal electric utility that serves about 2,000 customers, about 1,000 of which are within the Village. The non-coincident peak demand in the village is approximately 6.6 MW. The Village has a full requirements contract with the New York Power Authority (NYPA), and gets about 70% of its power from a hydro allocation from the Mohawk/Niagara facility, at a cost of less than $0.01/kWh. NYPA purchases the remainder of power on the open market at a much higher cost and passes the cost on to GMU’s customers. The NYPA agreement runs through 2025.

236 Third Street, Greenport, NY 11944
Phone: (631) 477-0248
Website: http://villageofgreenport.org/